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Diablo VT

Automatic all wheel drive. Normally a rear-wheel drive vehicle. Up to 28% of torque transfer to the front wheels via viscous coupling if rear wheels slip. Limited slip front differential, 25% lock. Limited slip rear differential, 45% lock.

See: Lamborghini Diablo Roadster Specs (pdf, 160KB)

Figure: lamborghini diablo vt (1669KB)

Figure: lamborghini diablo vt transsmision (383KB)

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There are 3 comments
December 21, 2011 - 11:18

anyone knows the ratio of haldex 4 wd at lambo aventador???

January 11, 2010 - 01:47

VT, Viscous Traction.
There wasn't a mechanical gear center differential, only a viscous coupling clutch to connect the front differential to the rear drivetrain.

You'd figure if Lamborghini wanted a center differential, they could have used the design that Bugatti used in the EB110.
Very easy to do, both have the same 'South-North' engine-transmission location/layout.

Reply to George
June 17, 2010 - 17:40

Thanks for the info.

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