2CV Sahara 4x4 1960-1966
Fitted with 2 425cc engines, one front and one at the rear.
Do you think this information about Citroen 2Cv Sahara 4X4 1960-1966 is incorrect? Please send us what you know to or leave a comment below.
Figure: citroen ax 4x4 interior (64KB) 
Figure: citroen ax 4x4 switch (50KB) 
Figure: citroen ax gearbox (72KB) 
Figure: citroen ax rear differential (352KB) 
Do you think this information about Citroen Ax 4X4 is incorrect? Please send us what you know to or leave a comment below.
C4 Aircross
Same as Mitsubishi ASX.
Figure: citroen c4 aircross second generation switch (72KB) 
Figure: citroen c4 aircross second generation transsmision (57KB) 
You have better pictures or videos of Citroen C4 Aircross that you can contribute? Please send them to !